Anthropolis is a multidisciplinary industrial design studio with an emphasis on anthropology and biomimetics. In combination with the anthropological study of human history, the objective is to observe natures 3.8 billion years of R&D for the development of products and services which operate within natural laws and are equitable to all life. To create sustainable industrial practices through an understanding of anthropological, environmental, and ecological limits to avoid insidious false needs and planned obsolescence.
Anthropolis has no political affiliation, but is a response to a higher authority than all human-centric institutions. Anthropolis does not recognize authority which does not utilize the universal objectivity of the ecological directive required for our continued evolution. At its most fundamental, the Anthropolis mission is the establishment of universal culture for those interested in a sustainable alternative, of which we are confident will lead by example—we have no interest in contributing to, or participating in culture warfare we find counterproductive to evolution and detrimental to all life.
Pete Ward is Senior Industrial Designer at Anthropolis. This website and all content within represents his twenty-four years of design and presentation experience. Pete considers his lack of affiliation to culture, tribe and political ideology to be an asset to his design process, with the belief that the best way to understand something is through liberation from it. He prioritizes human commonality and ecologically honorable solutions to counter the inequitable, unsustainable model created through capitalism during the adolescence of humanity — otherwise known as the Industrial Revolution. He prefers to be outside where he enjoys surfing, snowboarding, multi-day backpacking, and quiet contemplation alongside a babbling brook. When inside he enjoys implementing what he learned from being out into a biomimetic design process for the development of organic environments. He also enjoys writing both fiction and non-fiction about ways to make the world a better place – and biographies written in the third person. Pete is aware that presenting a biography and using words that end in “ism” is somewhat contradictory to the Anthropolis rejection of anthropocentric tendencies, but understands that achieving goals sometimes requires a degree of conformity.
Industrial Design
"Industrial Design is a strategic problem-solving process that drives innovation, builds business success and leads to a better quality of life through innovative products, systems, services and experiences. Industrial Design bridges the gap between what is and what’s possible. It is a trans-disciplinary profession that harnesses creativity to resolve problems and co-create solutions with the intent of making a product, system, service, experience or a business, better. At its heart, Industrial Design provides a more optimistic way of looking at the future by reframing problems as opportunities. It links innovation, technology, research, business and customers to provide new value and competitive advantage across economic, social and environmental spheres. Industrial Designers place the human in the center of the process. They acquire a deep understanding of user needs through empathy and apply a pragmatic, user centric problem solving process to design products, systems, services and experiences. They are strategic stakeholders in the innovation process and are uniquely positioned to bridge varied professional disciplines and business interests. They value the economic, social and environmental impact of their work and their contribution towards co-creating a better quality of life." - The Professional Practice Committee